
Nothing easier

Download our app "RM CLUB"
and stay RM tuned

The RMCLUB application, on Apple store and Androïd, will allow you to book any sessions, at your ease.

You are unable to use the app, no problem:
- Contact us by phone.
- Send us a message, we will call you back.

Download "RM CLUB" App

By clicking on the below link, you'll be redirected through your store: click here

RMCLUB members,
book online your fitness classes, or courts depending of your membership

In our App : "Club" and "CLASSES" or directly by opening our online booking plateform : by clicking here
You have to:
- Insert your email address provided during your registration
- Complete the reservation code by filling: RM2021
- Clik on button "CONNECTER"

You are now connected to your profile.
The plateform is in french (apologize for the inconvenient).
To book: click on "JE RESERVE" . Choose the date and hour to see available classes or courts.
To see your pending booking: click on "MES RESERVATIONS" .
To update your password, click on "PARAMETRES" and "CHANGER DE MOT DE PASSE".

If you are not able to log yourself or book a session, feel free to contact the reception desk: 267 14 40.

Booking messages:
- Only one member can book a class or a court. If you are multiple members (example for a padel court), each member has to book the same slot.

During your booking, a message is visible on top right of the page:
- The booking is approved : a green message appears

- The booking is not approved : a red message appears

Please read your conditions depending of your membership to know all the rules.
Some feedbacks:
- Platinium: Booking is possible within 5 days
- Gold: Booking is possible within 4 days
- Silver: Booking is possible within 3 days
Court booking is only possible during HC slots

Blocked in previous steps? Don't panic:
- Contact us by phone: 267 14 40
- Send us a message, we'll call you back

Contact us

Circle Square, Forbach
31001 Rivière du Rempart, MAURICE